Network Security

Unified Access

Establishing identity through secure authentication is key in the implementation of an effective security policy. Many of today’s most damaging security breaches have been due to compromised user accounts and passwords exacerbated by users being provided with inappropriate levels of access.

Complete the quote form to send us an enquiry for the solution you require.


    Secure Unified Access Solution

    Organizations are changing the way they deploy access networks, connected devices, and business applications to address a number of management challenges:

    • The number and types of network-connected wireless devices and mobile applications continue to grow exponentially, presenting new vulnerabilities and increasing the attack surface.
    • Users want fast Wi-Fi and a smooth experience across wired and wireless networks.
    • IT needs reduced complexity of network, application, and device management.

    Securing business communications, personal information, financial transactions, and mobile devices involves much more than network access control. It requires scanning for malware, preventing access to malicious websites, checking endpoint integrity, and controlling application usage.

    Your business is our first priority, tell us your needs so that we can fulfil them correctly.

    Fill in the form below and let us WOW you with our service.


      Need help?

      Get In Touch

      Physical Address

      RBS House
      10 Suni Avenue
      Corporate Park South
      Nyala Street - Off Old Pretoria Road
      Randjespark, Midrand
      Gauteng. South Africa

      Postal Address

      PO Box 5784,
      Halfway House
      Midrand, Johannesburg. 1685
      South Africa

      Contact Details

      Tel: +27 11 314 7333
      WhatsApp: +27 ** *** ****